Light blue hero image with animated computer and code

How The Coding Space is Different

What Makes Us Different

Above and Beyond Coding Education

The Coding Space is about more than just first-class coding education, it’s about helping kids build the skills that will serve them throughout life. Here’s how we go above and beyond:

The Coding Space Field Trip To Microsoft
  • Student-Centered Learning

    By challenging students at their individual level to create projects as unique as they are, we underscore the power of personalized learning. And with our small student-to-teacher ratio, students get the guidance they need to keep moving forward.

  • Exceptional Experiences

    Our dedication to ongoing feedback and support through skill evaluations, progress reports, and technological pre-checks, makes us your partner in creating a seamless experience for your child. With a team member at the ready, we’re always here to help.

  • Skills For Life

    By creating a safe and joyful community that fosters curiosity, autonomy, self-expression, and engagement, students are equipped to take risks, learn from mistakes, and develop essential skills for the classroom and beyond.

  • Teacher Development

    We are committed to investing in the ongoing development of our educators. Our emphasis on mentorship and ongoing training mean students are receiving top-quality education from teachers in the know.

  • Unique Teaching Methods

    From the Socratic method to our signature Untutorials, our specialized curriculum and teaching methods are centered around asking questions that empower students to explore problems, discover solutions, and grow as thinkers, learners, and leaders.

  • Educational Equity

    We believe that everyone has a right to education in a supportive learning environment and commit to creating a collaborative and joyful experience for every student. We strive to enact that accessibility through initiatives like our scholarship program, community partnerships, GirlCode, and Code 4 Change.

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