Light blue hero image with animated computer and code

Experience Level

Experience Levels

Whether your child is new to coding or already building their own games and websites, our coding classes will promote their growth within a safe, supportive environment. By challenging students at their individual level to create projects as unique as they are, we underscore the power of personalized learning. 

While our classes are tailored to each of the four experience levels below, our student-centered approach creates a fully personalized education experience, allowing students to be challenged at their individual level and pace. No matter where they’ve started, we’re here to help them get where they want to go.

Kids coding together on the computer

Early Engineers

Ages 3-5

Combining hands-on activities with byte-sized digital exercises, preschool-aged coders will learn foundational coding concepts such as sequencing, pattern recognition, and logical thinking. This innovative approach ensures that our young learners not only gain early coding skills but also develop critical problem-solving abilities, setting the stage for a seamless transition to more advanced coding platforms as they grow.

Young Beginner Code

Ages 6-8, co-ed

For young and first-time coders, we focus on fostering a welcoming and creative learning environment where students will develop digital literacy and start formulating crucial computational thinking patterns. Students learn through specially curated activities in and additional platforms as needed and advance into building animations and games in Scratch, a block-based programming language developed by MIT.

Beginner Code

Ages 8-13, co-ed

In our Beginner course, we use Scratch challenge projects as our core curriculum. By starting in Scratch, a block-based coding language, we skip over the small syntactic details of text-based languages and cut directly to the difficult part of coding: formulating one’s ideas into a logical sequence of steps. Students can jump into this class with no prior programming knowledge and in just a few hours build a foundational understanding of core computer science concepts through building games and animations. As they progress through this course, they’ll continue to learn essential programming constructs and develop a computational thought process that will prepare them for more advanced material.


Ages 8-13, co-ed

In our Intermediate course, students will create advanced projects in Scratch, a block-based coding language and move onto text-based programming in WoofJS, our JavaScript learning platform. WoofJS was developed by The Coding Space to allow students to leverage their existing Scratch knowledge and transition naturally into using JavaScript to make advanced projects. Students should come in with an advanced understanding of Scratch.

Advanced Code: Dive Deep into the World of Advanced Programming

Ages 10-13, co-ed

In our Advanced course, students embark on an exciting journey through the worlds of JavaScript and Python, two cornerstone languages in modern programming. 

JavaScript Module: Crafting Interactive Web Experiences

In our Advanced course, students will delve into the intricacies of JavaScript, one of today's most influential programming languages. They'll start by creating mini web applications, such as calculators and quizzes, gaining practical experience in applying their coding skills. This module takes creativity further by exploring the HTML Canvas, where students can unleash their imagination in game development.

As they advance, the course introduces complex aspects of web development. Students will integrate APIs and databases, skills crucial for modern web applications. This hands-on experience is not just about coding; it's about connecting the dots in the vast web ecosystem.

Python Module: Building Your Child's CS Muscles

In the Python segment, students will transition to this versatile language, known for its extensive application in AI and data science  – fields that are shaping our future.

They'll start by building simple yet engaging games like Rock, Scissors, Paper and Guess the Number, which are perfect for understanding Python's basics. But it doesn't end there. The course dives into graphical game development using Pygame, allowing students to create more visually engaging and complex games. They'll also tackle real-world problems using algorithms, manage data and files efficiently, and explore the realms of object-oriented programming.

Your Journey to Advanced Skills

Students will emerge from this course with a profound understanding of how to harness the power of code to bring ideas to life. We require that students come with a background in JavaScript, Python, or a similar text-based language. This ensures they are ready for the transformative journey that our Advanced Programming course offers, setting them on a path to become skilled, creative, and versatile programmers and thinkers.

Teen Code

Ages 13-17, co-ed

In our Teen Code course, students will work in several languages depending on their experience. Beginners will learn JavaScript, the language of the web, through creating projects in WoofJS, our JavaScript learning platform. Intermediate coders will learn to build web-based games and applications in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. More advanced coders will take a deeper dive into advanced JavaScript or work in Python, Java, or another text-based language of their choosing.

Find Your Child’s Perfect Fit

Still unsure where your child should begin? Visit our classes page where you can check your child's experience, interests, and skills.

Find The Perfect Fit