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How to Encourage a Love of STEM in Girls

September 16, 2020

Likely, you’ve heard a young girl make this comment at one time or another. While the context might be innocent, it's alarming how many things are deemed to be "for boys" when, in reality, this couldn't be farther from the truth. Science- and technology-related fields of study and employment are often treated this way, even though women have historically been at the forefront of groundbreaking…

What's WoofJS Got To Do With It?

February 17, 2020

Hi Maddy! Thanks for taking the time to talk with us about WoofJS. To start off, can you tell me about your role with The Coding Space? I oversee our curriculum development, teacher training, and class experience. I spend my days thinking about how we can get the best out of our teachers, make our classrooms thrive, and bring about the greatest results for our students. Inquiring minds want to…

Community Partner Spotlight: TradeZero

December 10, 2019

Why did you want to work with The Coding Space? DP: Being a good corporate citizen and giving back to our community has always been important to us. TradeZero has two locations, one in the US and one in the Bahamas. In the Bahamas, we’re the largest sponsor for a charitable organization called Hands for Hunger.  After launching in Brooklyn, I had the idea for creating an after-school coding…

C4C Check-In: What Inspires Our Coders to Give Back

December 17, 2016

With Code 4 Change: Kids Teaching Kids rounding the halfway mark, we wanted to take a moment to check in with our coders. Participants of all ages and skill levels are hard at work coding their Kids Teaching Kids projects, which are aimed at helping early elementary learners understand important academic concepts through engaging games, projects, and presentations. But what inspires them to give…

Code 4 Change: Build a Better World with The Coding Space

December 17, 2016

Three cheers for our creative coders! Our C4C: Build a Better World participants have completed and submitted their programming projects, the votes have been cast, and the results have been tallied. Now, it's time to tune in for the finale event where we reveal the winners in these categories: Best Visual Design Best Sound Design Best Game Design Most Informative Most Imaginative Best Scratch Best…